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Throwing light on Laser Gum Therapy

Throwing light on Laser Gum Therapy

Date :14/07/2023

Laser periodontal treatment, also known as laser-assisted periodontal therapy (LAPT) or laser gum therapy, is a dental procedure used to treat gum disease or periodontal disease. Here’s some general information about laser periodontal treatment for patients.

Laser periodontal treatment involves the use of a dental laser to remove infected gum tissue and bacteria from the gum pockets. The laser selectively targets the diseased tissue while leaving the healthy tissue unharmed. It also helps to sterilize the area, promoting healing.

Benefits: Laser periodontal treatment offers several advantages over traditional gum surgery, including:

  • Minimally invasive: The laser treatment is less invasive than traditional surgery, leading to reduced discomfort and faster recovery.
  • Reduced bleeding: The laser seals blood vessels during the procedure, resulting in minimal bleeding.
  • Decreased swelling: Laser treatment causes less swelling and discomfort compared to traditional surgery.
  • Faster healing: The laser promotes tissue regeneration and encourages faster healing of the gums.
  • Precision: The laser allows for precise targeting of infected areas, preserving healthy gum tissue.
  • Laser periodontal treatment is suitable for patients with various stages of gum disease, ranging from mild to severe. Your dentist or periodontist will evaluate your condition to determine if laser therapy is an appropriate treatment option for you.

It is important to note that, Laser Gum therapy is not a replacement for the Conventional Surgical procedure(flap surgery) for the treatment of gum diseases. We recommend a consultation and thorough diagnosis of your situation to know if you are a candidate for Laser Gum therapy.

Procedure Steps:

At Southside Dental, this procedure is done by our chief surgeon, Dr.Niranjan Prabhakar MDS Periodontics and a specialist in Laser application. The laser periodontal treatment typically involves the following steps:

An initial examination: We will evaluate your gum health using various diagnostic tools, such as X-rays and periodontal probing.

Local anaesthesia: To ensure your comfort during the procedure, a local anaesthetic may be administered to numb the treatment area. However, it most often is not needed. Just a topical spray proves adequate in most situations.

Laser treatment: The periodontist will use a diode dental laser to remove the infected gum tissue, target bacteria, and promote gum regeneration.

Scaling and root planing: Laser Gum therapy typical is accompanied with a thorough, ultrasonic scaling and root planing, performed to remove plaque and calculus from the tooth surfaces and root surfaces.

Follow-up care: After the procedure, we will provide instructions on post-treatment care and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress.

Recovery: The recovery time for laser periodontal treatment is generally quicker compared to traditional gum surgery. You may experience mild discomfort, swelling, or sensitivity after the procedure. We may recommend pain relievers or prescribe antibiotics, if necessary. It’s important to follow our post-treatment instructions, which may include avoiding certain foods, maintaining good oral hygiene, and attending follow-up visits.

Long-term care: To maintain the results of laser periodontal treatment and prevent gum disease recurrence, it’s crucial to practice good oral hygiene. This includes regular brushing and flossing, using antimicrobial mouthwashes, and scheduling routine dental cleanings and check-ups. We recommend a check up and cleaning every 3 months for the 1st 1 year and then based on your maintenance and tissue health.

It’s important to note that the specific details of laser periodontal treatment can vary depending on your individual case and the protocols followed our periodontist. It’s best to consult with a dental professional for personalized information and recommendations regarding laser periodontal treatment.


Dr.Niranjan Prabhakar


Laser Gum therapy



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