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Immediate placement of teeth on implants

What is it?

Immediate Implant placement is a reliable technique to reduce the treatment time for prosthetic rehabilitation.

Immediate Implant placement is often performed with the temporization technique. This procedure has 3 main advantages:

  • Timing: The treatment time and the number of surgical procedures that are required are reduced when it is compared to a delayed approach.
  • Biology: When the biological standpoint is taken, the bone volume is preserved when a slow-resorbing material is used to fill the gap between the implant and the buccal plate of the tooth socket. The gingival architecture is supported by the provisional crown, which will, in turn, help to maintain the pre-existing positions of the gingival margin and mesial and distal papillae.
  • Prosthetics: The placement of an implant retains the provisional crown during the surgery. This will simplify the temporization in the anterior area. This actually allows the patient to go back to normal routine in no time.

This procedure works on three basic principles:

  • Proper Indication
  • Atraumatic Extraction
  • Sufficient Primary Stability of the Implant

Surgical Procedure

The dental surgeon will first extract the tooth a traumatically. This is usually performed without raising a flap or opting for osteotomy. The extraction socket is then meticulously cleaned and rinsed using betadine.  

The Dentist will then start drilling in the sequence as per protocols and stop at the desired dimension. Once Sufficient primary stability is achieved the implant can be temporised, that us z crown that is temporary in nature can be fixed

The implant is then placed and in its final position, the implant platform is laid under the ideal gingival margin when compared to the adjacent central incisor.  The dentist might place a lab-made shell without the interference of the titanium temporary abutment is placed.

The gap between the implant and the buccal plate is filled with a particulate bone augmentation material. This is done before the provisional crown is placed. The final restoration is usually done three to six months after the placement.

Authored by DR.NIRANJAN P



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