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Caring for your dentures

Caring for your dentures

Date :05/07/2023


After the insertion of dentures, it is essential to take proper care to ensure their longevity and maintain oral health.

Here are some post-denture insertion care tips:

  1. Follow our instructions: We will provide specific guidelines for caring for your dentures. It's crucial to follow our advice carefully to ensure the best results.
  2. Regular cleaning: Clean your dentures daily to remove food particles, stains, and bacteria. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush or denture brush along with a mild denture cleaner or non-abrasive toothpaste. Avoid using regular toothpaste, as it may be too abrasive and can damage the denture surface. You have been provided with a denture maintenance kit. Kindly use the same.
  3. Careful: When cleaning your dentures, handle them carefully to avoid dropping them and causing damage. Place a towel or basin of water in the sink to cushion them in case they slip from your hands.
  4. Oral hygiene: Even with dentures, it's essential to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your gums, tongue, and remaining natural teeth (if any) with a soft-bristle toothbrush twice a day. This will help stimulate blood flow, remove bacteria, and keep your mouth clean.
  5. Remove dentures at night and clean and dry them. It is not necessary to soak them in water overnight. Leaving your dentures out at night gives your gums and tissues the much needed rest and prevent plaque (bacterial film) build up that leads to gum inflammation.
  6. Avoid hot water: Avoid using hot water to clean your dentures, as it can cause them to warp or lose their shape.
  7. Handle dentures carefully: When removing or inserting your dentures, do it over a soft surface or a folded towel to minimize the risk of dropping and damaging them.
  8. Regular dental check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups as recommended by your dentist. They will assess the fit of your dentures, check for any oral health issues, and make any necessary adjustments. We recommend a visit every 3 months for the first one year and then as needed.
  9. Avoid abrasive materials: Avoid using abrasive materials such as stiff-bristle brushes, harsh cleansers, or whitening toothpaste, as they can scratch the denture surface.
  10. Be patient: It may take some time to adjust to wearing dentures. Initially, you may experience some soreness or discomfort. However, if the discomfort persists or worsens, consult your dentist for adjustments or advice.

Remember, good oral hygiene and proper care of your dentures are crucial for maintaining oral health and ensuring the longevity of your dentures. If you have any specific concerns or questions, it's best to consult your dentist for personalized advice.






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